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Project Junction: installation Commissioned by The Africa Center Organized by Evelyn Owen, Associate Curator, and Henone Girma, Programs Coordinator.
For this installation, I constructed a site specific project that explores and reflects "Food" as expression of a collective identity in its ever evolving state. The installation incorporates animation, painting, prints and objects. Based on African Restaurants that are walking distance from the museum, I researched the ingredients of their national dishes. I visited Cross Culture Kitchen Restaurant, Le Baobab Restaurant, La Savane Restaurant, Safari Restaurant and Zoma Restaurant. For the installation, I recreated objects that were found on the walls of the restaurants. I believe these objects potentially refer to each cultures present constructed symbolism and reflect on the Africans in America experience. The instillation is accompanied by a "future to go menu" that will be printed out for viewers to take with them. This menu is based on questions I asked the restaurants about what dish they imagine will continue to exist in the year 3020 A.D. Through these layers of connected time, the past, the present and the future; the local with the global, I plan to highlight the global assemblage and continuous rejustification of African identities.
Copyright © 2024, Ezra Wube